Transport Service

School transport is an essential service that ensures the safe and efficient transportation of students to and from school. It plays a crucial role in providing access to education for students who live far away or do not have convenient transportation options. School buses are equipped with safety features and driven by trained and experienced drivers who prioritize the well-being of the students. The convenience of school transport allows parents to have peace of mind, knowing that their children are in good hands during their daily commute. Additionally, school transport promotes a sense of community among students as they travel together, fostering social interaction and camaraderie. Overall, school transport is a vital component of the educational system, enabling students to attend school regularly and enjoy a safe and comfortable journey.
Facts -
Serve More than 350+ stoppages
More Than 350+ Buses
Biggest School Transport Network In UP
Skilled drivers
Friendly Behaviour towards everyone
Transport In-Charge :
Vinay Singh (7617000099)
Manjesh Singh (+91 7617000070
Transport Query
SR Global School,
NH-24,Bhaisamao Crossing, BKT Lucknow-226201
+91 7617000002,3,4