Smt. Nirmala Singh Chauhan
Vice-Chairperson | SR Global School Lucknow
As I look beyond the horizon, I envision The S R GLOBAL SCHOOL as a second
home where education leads to educating the child. Our school has the vibrant
classroom where creativity, ethics, self analysis and goal setting are the aims for
every child. The school is preparing the learners to be good individuals and good
Samaritans. We strongly believe that under our guidance the students will have a
niche in their personality. The grooming of every child to compete with the fast
changing world has always been our prime concern.
To achieve our goal we require a positive approach from the parents because they
help us to recognize the inborn talents of their child, so that we together can
shoulder to push the wheel of success and glory for
every child of SR GLOBAL SCHOOL.
Parents are the major contributors in our Endeavour. We encourage parent’s
active participation, feedback, so that together we can create a wonder global child.